End of the NYT college admissions blog

<p>The</a> Choice Blog's Valediction - NYTimes.com</p>

<p>I am very sorry to have read the same news when logging into the NY Times this morning. It just seems that the Choice Blog was a great way to learn about many topics that high school guidance offices just don’t have enough time to cover in detail with families. It also opened eyes about how the process has involved into one huge business. The aspect I think many families benefitted from was the information about costs and scholarships and how to navigate financial considerations, especially the past several turbulent economic years. </p>

<p>Hope that perhaps the Blog might start-up again or at another paper? At the very least, it’s nice that the posts are being archived. Not sure if access will be limited to subscription members only.</p>

<p>The Envelope Please was the best part of the blog, which was great the first year and seemed to go downhill from there. It didn’t seem like anyone at the Times was really attending to it. Shame but I learned a lot that year.</p>