Ending Essays

<p>How did you guys conclude your personal statements/other college essays?</p>

<p>I'm writing an essay for a summer program app, and I'm trying really hard to avoid the "Through my experiences, I learned that hard work and dedication are important...BLA BLA" crap type endings. I had no problem coming up with a catchy beginning, but I'm stumped at the end.</p>


<p>I ended with a look to the future, connecting the passions I discussed in my essay to what I wanted from a college education</p>

<p>Here's an idea: reiterate your catchy beginning in your closing sentences, except with an added twist. </p>

<p>Start out the beginning of the concluding sentence with something that is completely predictable, and end with something that is unexpected though a perfect fit.</p>

<p>This unexpected ending might be a formal declaration of the cumulation of all the little clue bits that were sprinkled throughout your body paragraphs. You spent an entire essay showing, and in a single swift stroke you made an epic telling, summarizing the ethos in a few powerful words.</p>