
<p>im sure almost everyone made at least one friend in college but...</p>

<p>did you make any enemies while at college?</p>

<p>One girl certainly made an enemy of me by stealing my boyfriend. Other than that, I'm perfectly friendly with everyone I've ever met, I think. Don't necessarily like all of them (ie my freshman roommate), but I'm nice. That girl though, I flippin hate her. REALLY glad she's going to Duke this year.</p>

<p>AHH stop with these pointless threaddssss! but if youre serious..as long as you arent a jacka55, then you probably wont have enemies. its kinda extreme to have someone as an enemy..seems kinda immature. reconciliation is better</p>

<p>but if i were you, id watch out for other "proton"s. i hear they dont like, and in fact, repel ppl like you.</p>

<p>I anticipate making quite a few, as a consequence of my love of debating matters of politics and theology, where my views often register as offensive to most, no matter how well reasoned they may be.</p>

<p>I avoid making enemies, and I've succeeded so far. There are a few people I really dislike, though we're definitely not enemies.</p>

<p>gprime, people may not like your political or religious views, but as long as you are reasonable about them (ie not acting like a crazy fundamentalist, or something) people will generally respect it, I find. Not necessarily like it or agree with it, but at least be like, "Oh, well, that's sort of weird. But whatever floats your boat."</p>