Engineering Admission

<p>I'm considering majoring in Biomedical Engineering. I live in Michigan, so obviously U of M would be a good option.
However, I prefer and would do better at a smaller college or university with intimate classes and personal relationships with professors. Are there any smaller schools with good engineering programs (preferably biomedical) in or around Michigan (Ohio, northern Illinois, eastern New York area) that I would most likely get into and receive academic scholarships from??</p>

<p>Info: high school junior, female
AP: 5 on APUSH; Currently taking Psych, Comp, Chem; Will Take: Calc AB, Bio, Lit
GPA: 4.36 CUM weighted, 4.0 unweighted
ACT: 32, 33 Super-score
Athletics: Freshman/JV volleyball, 4-year varsity tennis
Extra-Curricular: 2 years working at vet, 3 year NHS, 1 year debate
My school doesn't do class rank, btw.</p>