Hi i’m junior now, and want to take some competitive summer programs during the summer. Is there any engineering or physics program during the summer vacation, which require strict requirements such as high school GPA or SAT grade. (my GPA is 4.3, and SAT is a little above 2000) In addition, i want the programs to be the programs that many competitive colleges prefer. (even If it is required to have a recommendation, it is okay; i want the programs that not everyone can participate) Oh and lastly, i have heard the program called the congress of future science and technology leaders. Is this program worth to take or not? Thank you for helping me^^
Purdue offers an engineering camp that’s application is still available! Be weary though, when you apply the admission is rolling and you must accept admission within 2 weeks or else you cannot participate. Also the online application must be completed in one sitting! I don’t know exactly what it consists of being I haven’t started mine yet (I am waiting to hear from NC States program the 15th of April) before applying to Purdue’s camp!