Engineering career opportunities at University of Alabama vs University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

He means like Medicare Part D :slight_smile: That too was supposed to be “affordable.”

Yay for your dght. making a decision. Just a note on one of your comments that she/friends thought ,Their view is that a school is not any good if it is easy to get into. My son AE engineer thought the same way and U of A was bottom of his list his whole senior yr. He thought if it is harder to get into, one of the top ones on some list that it would be a better education. Well the more we looked into it, plus the scholarships we made the decision to go to UA. Well he just finished his first year and I think he would take back anything he said earlier on, for top of his class and went to CC for 2 yrs. while in HS, he has learned a lot this past year and has struggled this past semester with the difficulty. But the experience he has had with being on a senior design team, opportunity to work with professor on research next yr. and just his first yr. which he has loved I don’t think he could of got that at some of the other schools.

I’m happy for all of you and your kids willing to choose Alabama and all the great things that go with it
my son is set firmly on attending UIUC in spite of the presidential scholarship and honors college and honors dorm and warm friendly environment at Alabama. On the one hand I’m sorry he will miss the great opportunities and be part of the upswing of engineering at Alabama, on the other hand it will be nice to have him at school closer to home, hopefully have a co-op/internship and eventual job closer to home, and I have to respect his strong convictions and willingness to take on loans in order to go where he really wants to go for college. One of many difficult choices he will be faced with as an adult. Good luck to everyone as May 1 decision day comes and goes

Two great choices, @bhappyjack, and ultimately it was your son’s to make. Good job!