<p>Already a quarter done with my Senior year, I'm wondering if its worth applying to those few near-top tier schools.</p>
<p>I know most of them will be a reach, but I already got into Penn State UP so I feel safe enough to reach away.</p>
<p>I'm feeling really confident because I got into Penn State which is an insanely GPA centered school with my grades.</p>
<p>GPA: 89.71 (3.45)
SAT:2200 (770M, 740R, 690W)
Class Rank: 128/302
Ethnicity: Asian Male</p>
<p>SATII: USH 770 (5 on Exam)
1 AP: US History
<p>300+ Hours Volunteering for Religions Freedom Rights
100+ Hours for Volunteering for nonprofit org.
Wrestling years 8-11, varsity two of the years</p>
<p>Essay: Great, not just what everyone says, but really, Great. Counselor said it was amazing, had it triple checked by other admissions officers. It's about coming to America as a religious refugee and dedicating myself to help end the injustice.</p>
<p>Senior Year: 4 APs (Calc AB, Chem, Gov, Macro)</p>
<p>92.4% Overall first quarter.</p>
<p>If I have any saving graces, it's my SATs, EC dedication, Essay, and massive upward trend.</p>
<p>I know you have to take subject tests for Cornell Engineering: I'm going to choose Chemistry and transfer to Engi. if that happens?</p>
<p>So far:</p>
<p>Penn State UP: Nuclear Engineering: Accepted
RPI: Waiting
Case Western: Waiting</p>
<p>Looking for Chance: (My guess %)</p>
<p>Cornell - 10%?
University of Michigan - 25%?
University of Virginia - 35%?
UCLA - 35%?
Pittsburgh University - 80%?</p>