<p>How much time do engineering introductory seminars CE-92, BioE-24 and BioE-25 take apart from the 1 hour a week? Will they make you do homework or specifically what will they let you do off class?</p>
<p>Are they really taken on a no grade basis? So I only really need to show to class?</p>
<p>How feasible is it to take four classes (Chem 1A, Math 1B, Hum. Elective and E 10) and two seminars? I'm a CEE major planning to do a BioE minor but really want to take BioE-24 (or Bio-25?) first semester but will this be recommeded if my school was waay less compared demanding to Berkeley (which I am happy about), and I'm just getting used to the college feel and work load? Should I put out one for later?</p>
<p>BioE24 and BioE25 are both graded only on attendance. You get a magic word during the seminar and then you pass. You don’t really need to go to class as long as you know someone who does go and you can just ask them for the word. XD;</p>
<p>Your schedule definitely sounds do-able. The 2 seminars add virtually no workload. Chem1A isn’t that bad because they’re nice to you since you’re a freshie. E10 will probably be one of the easiest engineering classes you’ll take. Hum. elective will be a grade booster. The only thing you’ll have a tough time with is probably Math1B. Nobody has fun in that class. :[</p>
<p>Thanks a lot for your info men. Which humanities elective should I take? I was thinking something regarding to economy which one will you suggest as a grade booster?</p>
<p>Also I actually plan on getting a 4/5 to skip Math 1A and get directly to Math 1B, do you recommend this?</p>
<p>A minor in BioE would take more time with a CEE major. As a CEE major you’re not required to take Chem 3A, 3B or Bio 1A, 1B. None of those classes are easy and they would most certainly interfere with the other classes you need to take. I suggest that you try and figure out which major you want by the end of freshman year.</p>
<p>As for classes, going into Math 1B allows you to avoid Math 1A, which isn’t a hard class in general; the difficulty varies with respect to teachers, the caliber of students in your class, your work ethic/ability, etc. But Math 1B is a considerably harder math class than 1A material-wise especially if you’ve never taken Calc BC. Base your use of AP Credits on how comfortable you are with math and how much time you think you can dedicate to each class. </p>
<p>Lastly, for picking classes, I like courserank.com because it gives grade distributions by semester and professor so that you can see overall trends. A specific suggestion for the AC is ESPM 50AC. Just read the reviews. Oh and use ratemyprofessor.com to find teacher evaluations also.</p>