Engineering, Greek Life, Research and STEM to MBA

I recently accepted my admission to UA and put down my deposits for enrollment, housing, and orientation. I will be a Chemical Engineering major on the pre-med track, a part of the honors college, and a member of the STEM to MBA path. I am also considering applying to the Emerging Scholars program, because I am really interested in doing research as an undergraduate. I feel as though I am coming with enough AP credits that I can handle it all (5s in 5 APs so far with 5 more this year), but I am also very interested in joining a sorority. I understand there is a significant time commitment associated with Greek life, so I’m wondering if its possible to be both active in a sorority and reach all of my goals academically. My family very little experience with Greek life, so any information would really be helpful!

I personally would not attempt all of this, but that is only my opinion as a parent, not based on any sort of facts. Be certain what it is you wish to gain from a Greek life experience, especially since you have had little exposure to it up until now. The process over this summer to obtain a bid seems daunting enough to me (there are many threads about the application/bid process on this very forum)…and I am not sure how much time you could realistically devote to a sorority, in addition to all that you want to achieve academically. Others who are attempting this may be able to chime in.

HS academics are vastly different to college academics. A pre-med track requires a great deal of dedication and focus, especially to preserve your GPA. That said, I strongly believe that if someone sets their mind to something, and has the ability and motivation to succeed, they CAN achieve it all. Don’t try to have absolutely everything figured out before you even enroll, tho! Leave room for some of those great additional opportunities that will come along your UA path over the next 4 years. Good luck at UA!

DD2 will be a freshman engineering major next year as well as a part of the Honors College, and the CBH program. She did not have access to AP classes, only dual-enrolled, so she is only coming in with 18 hours. She plans to join a sorority, though, because it will give her exposure to something different. I was not a member of a sorority, but DD1 who will be a junior next year at UA loves the experiences she has had with her sorority. She learned very quickly to manage her time very wisely so she could do everything she wanted and still maintain good grades (she currently has a 4.15 GPA, is a member of Capstone Men and Women, president of an honor society, in SGA, among other things.) DD2 knows she will have to do that as well to be able to graduate in four years, keep her grades up, and be a part of different organizations. It is certainly doable if you want to do it all. Good luck on your decision.

One thing you might look into, since the sorority obligations are heavy in the first semester as a new member, perhaps start Emerging Scholars in the January semester to stagger all the “new things” you are taking on.

Or you might want to take a “light” credit load of 12-14 credits your first semester, or take some “easier” classes so you aren’t overloaded with your sorority obligations.

I will be a Chemical Engineering major on the pre-med track, a part of the honors college, and a member of the STEM to MBA path. I am also considering applying to the Emerging Scholars program, .....joining a sorority...


ok…HOLD ON!!!

My son was a ChemE premed, and that is probably the roughest way to do premed. Yes, to Emerging Scholars, but maybe do the January semester.

As for pledging…If you insist on doing this (as a ChemE premed, I don’t recommend this), but if you do, then this is likely the best approach…

  1. Take a light load fall semester
  2. No early classes…at all.
  3. take a gen ed class over the summer at a local CC or online to help less the load.

What AP credits are you coming in with?

So many premeds get themselves off-track right away by doing too much, overloading themselves, etc.

It’s POSSIBLE, but it will depend on YOU. I agree with others to try to take a lighter load in the fall. This is when you’ll be most busy with sorority obligations (unless you want to be an officer). Once you are initiated, things lighten up somewhat. Also, first semester is the roughest because you’re getting accustomed to a whole new way of living and studying, with no parent hovering to make sure you get things done.

You will also need superior time management skills, as busyperson1 says.

There is no spring rush. A handful of sororities might be pledging a few girls, but just a few participate in this. I wouldn’t count on this at all.

I will be coming in with 5-10 AP classes (taking 5 exams this year) which I hope will help a little. I am not set on the pre-med track, and but may decide to minor in bio instead (is this easier/more realistic???). I would like to find a good balance but I’m pretty committed to rushing. While I am in STEM to MBA so I will be taking one business class a semester, but I’m not sure yet if I will actually choose to earn an MBA, because I prefer research opportunities. Is it possible to do these things and still enjoy my college experience?

AP Classes:

Calc AB-5
Comp Gov-TBD

. I am not set on the pre-med track, and but may decide to minor in bio instead (is this easier/more realistic???



Why the bio minor? If you want to keep your premed options open, then why minor in bio?

If you major in eng’g, then it looks like you’ll have all or nearly all of your Core/GC complete as long as you get at least a 3 in the remaining APs, which you likely will. I roughly counted about 50 AP credits you’d be coming in with.