Engineering Transfer

<p>I really want to transfer to Cornell either Spring 2012 or Fall 2012. These are my grades for my first semester at University of Florida.</p>


<p>-Beginning Chinese: B
-Intro to Chem: C+
-PreCalc: A
-Music Literature: A</p>


<p>-General Chemistry: A
-Gen Chem Lab: A
-Calculus 1 for Engineers: A
-Theatre Appreciation: A-
-Microeconomics: B+</p>

<p>Summer 2011:
PreCalc with Trig: A</p>

<p>Will be taking in Fall 2012:</p>

<p>-Calculus 2
-Computer Graphics and Design for Engineers (Solid)
-Physics 1 with Calc
-Looking for another, suggestions?</p>

<p>GPA: 3.57, will be brought up in Fall 2012</p>

<p>SAT Math: 620
SAT CR: 750
SAT WR: 620</p>

<p>ACT: 30</p>

<p>No SAT II yet.</p>

<p>Suggestions, comments, concerns? Should I change my Fall 2012 schedule up?</p>

<p>I don’t think engineering accepts spring transfer. My concern is that it seems odd that you took preCalc again after taking calc. Also, the grades are not very convincing. Make sure you get great grades later on.</p>

<p>Took it with trig over the summer as I did not take it in high school and figured it was necessary for Calc II. Should I take the SAT again? And if I get straight A’s, will that improve my chances or is it a forgone conclusion?</p>

<p>what are you planning on majoring?</p>

<p>Mechanical Engineering.</p>

<p>I’m getting involved in research, retaking the SAT, Taking the SAT II, in the Small Satellite Club and IEEE, joining the rowing team, joining the Rocketry Club, and not having a social life to pull straight A’s. Kinda committed to getting in.</p>

<p>Interesting that you are in IEEE, but planning to be a Mechanical Engineer. It’s interesting because I would have thought you would be in ASME instead of IEEE.</p>

<p>You certainly need to do very well on math and physics. Take AutoCAD if there is any. Get better SAT scores. Need to know material science + fluid stuff as well.</p>

<p>Okay, actually I have a dual major with Mech and Aero. I’m taking materials in the fall or is that different? And okay, I’ll look in to ASME, my friend said to join IEEE but thanks for the info!</p>

<p>Oh and If i want to enter as a sophomore, should I still take all the fluid stuff?</p>

<p>Actually Cornell does accept engineering students in the spring… our orientation leader for Fall transfer, transferred to Cornell in the spring…</p>