English credit for SAT score?

<p>What's this I hear about getting English RHE306 credit for getting a some score on your SAT? </p>

<p>Does that you don't have to take the AP test to get credit if you have a specific score on your SAT?</p>

<p>That was the case for me. I think its just like a 600, but you should double check. All I know is that I am terrible at English and I got credit for it through my terrible SAT score.</p>

<p>Which SAT test did you take for that?</p>

<p>Just the regular SAT. They take the writing portion.</p>


Got it under Freshmen English Credit for SAT/ACT Writing Scores here:
[Testing</a> | Freshmen | Be a Longhorn](<a href=“http://bealonghorn.utexas.edu/freshmen/admission/testing/index.html]Testing”>http://bealonghorn.utexas.edu/freshmen/admission/testing/index.html)</p>

<p>So you do get credit for English if you have at least a 26 ACT or 600 W. :)</p>

<p>OMG^^ does any1 know if this is true for A&M 2?</p>

<p>Its not true for A&M.</p>

<p>Ah shoot! :(</p>

<p>Way cool! Now to just get the scores.</p>