English guy coming to the states - help me out

<p>ahey heeeeeeeeey</p>

<p>your gonna have to order special channels over here to still see footballers wives and such</p>

<p>footballers wives!!!!! who watches that!!!!</p>

<p>the only programme i'll miss will be Match of the day!!!! how do i go about ordering footy (soccer) sports channels?</p>

<p>you need special channels for them too....and I love footballers wives, haha.</p>

<p>Fox Sports Net usually shows epl games, but not all of them...and over here it comes in a package with GolTv which shows more Series A/la liga/mexico football</p>

<p>Oh I forgot......Champions League games are broadcast on regular cable, no extra channels needed. </p>

<p>I would recommend buying bbc america and fsn</p>

<p>ahhhhhhhhhh bbc america!!!!!!!! what do they show then? the office?</p>

<p>well theres two versions of the office...I suggest NOT to watch the American one..it sucks. The British version comes on, as does reruns of Teachers and Coupling</p>

<p>yeah the american version looked weak!</p>

<p>i never got why coupling was so popular in america??? its never been that good in england....</p>

<p>what i dont understand is whenever england make a great programme e.g the office, fawlty towers, men behaving badly the U.S companies re-make it and it always fails...why not just show the english version in america if they like it so much ahaha</p>

<p>thats what I'm saying...but all these American broadcast companies (eg- fox, abc, etc) want their own version thats as successful as the one that airs on the British airwaves</p>

<p>yet it never works....so sad</p>

<p>At least we dont have Top of the Pops</p>

<p>neither do we!it got cancelled last week mwahahahahahaha</p>

<p>oh ****...hahaha, finally..and so abrupt</p>

<p>yeah there was a big thing about it with loadsa documentaries that i chose not to watch haha</p>

<p>i spose it was revolutionary in its time but the last 10 years it was dog log to say the least</p>

<p>Yeah, and its friggin old too...eh, it made for some Art Brut lyrics atleast, haha</p>

<p>hahah exactly</p>

<p>i wont miss it thats for sure! what time is it where you are btw?</p>

<p>damn straight, not one bit...</p>

<p>I'm on the East Coast and its 2:40pm right now...halfway through the work day</p>

<p>awwwwwwwwwwwwww man! its almost 9 in the evening here! the day is ending!</p>

<p>ahh, lucky...you can still hit the pub cant you?</p>

<p>i can indeed but i need to save all my money!</p>