English Lang scores

<p>30/52 and avg of 5 on essays</p>

<p>Five! Pleasantly surprised!
680 Reading
630 Writing</p>

<p>I got a 3 :frowning: but I am much more of a math guy so I’m not to bothered by it.</p>

<p>5 :):):):):):):slight_smile:
700 Cr
700 Wr</p>

<p>I think the reason most people are getting 4s or 5s was because the content was more applicable than normal. For the FRs in particular, the synthesis practically gave you all the information you needed about green market buying; you just needed to formulate a thesis well. The analysis piece related well to people taking AP US History since it was about the women’s movement. It was easy to pick out her techniques because her parallelism and fiery tone were apparent and because my APUSH class would read primary sources from female historical authors. The argumentative essay I felt was also easy since it included the American Dream, another allusion to APUSH. Students just needed to know how to execute basic techniques like varied syntax and diction and write much in order to get a 5.</p>

<p>5! The College Confidential boards are definitely nerd territory hahaha.
800 CR, 800 WR. now if only i could count to ten without using my toes, i’d be all set.</p>

<p>Woo I got a 5
We didn’t really do much in class, other than take uncurved AP practice MC tests and do essays, neither of which were really ever announced. Otherwise, we watched movies and occasionally had philosophical discussions. It was pretty fun.</p>

<p>740 CR (800 W) = 5 AP Lang</p>

<p>5/700 w/800 cr woo!</p>

<p>800 CW/760 W 5 AP Lang :D</p>

<p>Best class I ever took</p>

<p>got a 5 on the AP</p>

<p>630 CR on SAT</p>

<p>33 R on ACT</p>

<p>AP - 3 :frowning: but I self studied (kind of I didn’t actually study I just took the test)
SAT CR - 700
ACT R - 35</p>

<p>Got a 4 :slight_smile: Like anyone, I would’ve loved a 5, but I’m pretty happy with this mark, especially cause it’s my first AP :)</p>

<p>5 w/740 CR. I’m so excited because I self studied, and I wasn’t sure how this would turn out!</p>

<p>5 on AP Language And Comp</p>

<p>670 CR
680 W (11 essay)</p>

<p>got a 4! first ap:D don’t have scores for critical reading and writing since i didn’t take the sats yet ( im going to be a junior) but currently im scoring high 600s on CR and low 600 on writing but I want to raise those both to high 700s! do u guys think i can??:D</p>

<p>5 on AP Lang, 800 W, 680 CR smh</p>

<p>SAT CR: 740
SAT W: 800 (10 on essay)
AP Lang & Comp:5</p>

<p>Does anybody remember the essay topics? I wish I knew my scores for each of the essays ahhhhh</p>

<p>4, 780 CR and 610 W, 34 reading and 35 english
hahaha i knew i bombed the essays but i’m happy with my score</p>