<p>Soo I need to make a decision but I wanted to know more about their programs -- that is if anyone has any info about the English departments at Cal and LA. I know Cal's graduate department is supposed to be #1 but LA's isn't that far behind either. I've also read that Cal's department is huge? So are the classes large then?</p>
<p>For UCLA I'm an American Lit & Cultures major which seemed cool because I get to take a couple of non-lit classes -- which I think would be great; I had geared all my coursework towards UCLA and did TAP since this was my initial goal. But Cal is kind of hard to pass up as well (I didn't think I would get in so I never focused as hard on Berkeley). </p>
<p>As for after undergrad, I would probably want to go to law school or else go to graduate school for a degree in public policy or something. But on the other hand, I've also wanted to go into PR/Publishing/Entertainment as well. So i'm a bit conflicted in terms of career goals too. </p>
<p>I clearly am really indecisive. D:</p>
<p>I tried using the search function, but it never works for me anymore so I couldn't go through old posts. So if anyone could give me input that'd be great!</p>
<p>Hi Dezziner,</p>
<p>I’m also an English major, but I’m going to be doing straight English at UCLA. I chose UCLA because I wanted a shot at communications (I also want have similar career plans, public relations or something of the like.) I’m very ambitious in saying I really want to double major in English and communications studies with an emphasis in mass media and also hope to complete the computational specialization. </p>
<p>You could always add on the media studies minor (I think they offer the minor?) at Cal, but it would be hard to do the equivalent at UCLA because communications is not offered as a minor. </p>
<p>I’m just saying, there are lots of things you could at either school to supplement your major a little more to prepare you for this field. :)</p>
<p>As for which school in general… I think that really just depends on which one you feel most comfortable at. I felt more comfortable at UCLA and loved the idea of the English reading room
I wanted to go to Berkeley initially because I knew that they were ranked #1 in English, but I don’t really think the difference would be felt! I say go wherever you like the atmosphere best! </p>
<p>Feel free to PM me if you wanna talk English talk
and good luck!</p>