English Program (Undergrad+Grad)

<p>Hey guys, I'm a junior on high school (c/o 2012) and I really want to attend UM. However, I also plan to major in English/Journalism and I know that UM isn't known for it's English department. In fact, some of my friends have said that it's pretty bad. Could someone please give me more information, and if I'd be better off going to a school with a better English program?</p>

<p>Son is an English (multiple majors) major.
He is graduating this coming spring and has never complained about the department.</p>

<p>Do you have any career in mind? No program at UM is bad, but some are certainly better than others.</p>

<p>I’m looking into Copywriting (freelance during college, possibly full-time when I graduate) or Editing. I guess Advertising would be useful with the first choice, but I’d enjoy an English major much more.</p>

<p>In that case I think you might be much better off looking at the communications school, which is well ranked and considered to be a very good school. And having English as a second major couldn’t hurt, of course.</p>