I am an English student who has just completed her GCSE’S (i m not sure if anyone is sure what they are?)
I have been studing the following 12 subjects for the past two years and i have put my predicted grades beside them:
English Language:A
English Literature:A
Religious studies:A*
Science:A* (double award)x2(this is all 3 sciences in 2 awards)
Technology: A
i am then going to take four advanced level study subject, thses being;Biologly, chemisrty, history and physics, however i am unsure of my predicted grades. If you had not already guessed i wish to enter the medical profession and become a surgeon. I have various extra Curricular activities, such as a certificate of achivement from the government for 200 hours of community service, platinum certificates of academic achievement within my school, i have also been acknowledged as able, gifted and talented in history, science and music (drumming, which i have done for 5 years), i am a senior school prefect and have being working with the peer mentor scheme for the last two years, i have previosuly compteted in judo competitions across the country and have competed previously in county swimming events and still train at a club…Does anybody have an idea as to what my chances are at the universites over there assuming i keep up my volountry work and try to achieve my full potential. ( i attened a regular public school with very mixed acedemic abilities).