Enrico Fermi Institute - Astronomy/Astrophysics

Do students at UChicago get research opportunities or any type of involvement with this place at UChicago?
I can’t really find any undergraduate/graduate connections with this place after looking online

Yes, I have read about undergraduates, graduates and post-docs doing research there.

There’s a huge physics community around the University of Chicago, which is supported in part by the activities of the Argonne National Laboratory and Fermilab (which is where most of the Fermi Institute research is conducted). The UChicago physics faculty and graduate students, I believe, do a lot of research at those facilities, and there are also many other people doing research there who are not UChicago faculty or graduate students, but who are part of the UChicago physics community (and many of whom, unsurprisingly, are former graduate students or undergraduate students at UChicago).

I do believe undergraduates are involved with research there, but almost more importantly I know that former undergraduates are employed as physics researchers there.

Ok awesome I was just wondering