<p>i was thinkin for video games and DVDs and stuff too but is there a way to watch NUTV from your computer on a television</p>
<p>Yes, hook up an s-video cable from your PC to your TV and whatever is on your computer screen will appear on your TV.</p>
<p>Happily, OpenOffice is freely available. No reason to put up with microsoft licensing except for microsoft Access.</p>
<p>Anyone know how T-Mobile reception is?</p>
<p>Also, where do people usually put their stuff over the summer? Do they rent storage spaces?</p>
<p>T-mobile reception is good.<br>
People either rent storage spacies or do a company that collects cardboard boxes filled with your stuff and stores it for you.</p>
<p>maybe someone with experience should post a list of EVERYTHING we should brg and what not to bring. then other ppl can maybe add to that list.
or we can make a new thread about this</p>