<p>Just visited campus and have questions about the entry system. I found the vertifical organization kind of strange--how is this more community building than a standard floor of a residence hall, where students may keep their doors open and be in and out of one another's rooms?</p>
<p>Second, are boys and girls housed on the same floors, and if so, do they share a bathroom?</p>
<p>Also, are the upper class residence halls nicer than the freshman housing?</p>
<p>I’m a current freshmen, and I guess I can take on this question.</p>
<p>There are two dormitories that freshmen live in (you probably know this by now)–Mission Park and the Frosh Quad. Mission Park’s entries are arranged in a horizontal way and the Frosh Quad’s entires are arranged in a vertical way. The rooms in Mission Park are mostly (almost 90%) single rooms, and the rooms in frosh quad are mostly doubles. I live in one of the entries in the Frosh quad, and personally love it. I too was a bit concerned with the vertical arrangement of the entry because I thought you would only get to know the people on your floor. But as it turns out, that’s not the case at all! While every floor has its own common room, the entry has a “main” common room where everyone hangs out. While there are people who don’t really come out of their rooms, the vast majority of the students do take advantage of the designated “main” common room! And since most students do have their doors propped open, you can bond with people who aren’t on your floor! It just takes a little bit of time to go up and down the stairs, but think of it as a good exercise
<p>Boys and girls are housed on the same floors, but they are placed in different parts of the floor. All floors have two hallways, two common rooms, and two bathrooms. One for the guys and the other for the girls. To answer your question, you don’t share bathrooms with the opposite gender. Although I guess you can… But the excitement is over in a few seconds! P=</p>
<p>Upperclassmen housing is typically better than freshmen housing, but it really depends on where you are placed. I am not an upperclasssmen, so I can’t really say much about it. But I know that I absolutely love the entry system and will definitely miss it in the future years! It’s only been a month and my entry feels like a big, happy, sexy family. I haven’t thought about leaving the entry just yet! It’s sad, so I don’t think I will anymore. </p>
<p>Williams has personally been a dream come true for me, and I can’t ask for anything more. Good luck in your senior year, and thanks for considering Williams! GO EPHSSSSSSSS!</p>
<p>Alum here:
The upper class dorms do tend to be roomier than the freshman ones. I was lucky to live in a palace for my sophomore year (Crow’s nest in olde Prospect), then tiny single room in a nice dorm (Currier), and then nice room in a nice dorm (Fitch).</p>
<p>I wouldn’t pick a college based on the physical living facilities though. Pay more attention to the social scene and what your day-to-day interactions will be like.
Lemme know if you have any more questions.</p>