<p>Just looking for opinions here. AP exams for Environmental Science and Chemistry test are at the same time. I have to pick one to take late. What would you guys recommend?</p>
<p>I would pick environmental. I am taking AP environmental science now(as a class) and it is so much easier than AP chemistry(took last year). Get the harder one done first.</p>
<p>That’s what I was thinking. I’d rather be able to discuss Chem with classmates than EnvSci anyway, which I really don’t care about…</p>
<p>neorobie’s suggestion sounds good! I second that.</p>
<p>Yeah, I am on the same boat as you and I am also planning to take AP Chem at regular time to get it out of the way first since it’s harder. Then take the easier one (APES) during make-up time.
That way I could discuss with my other Chem classmates, having discussions with teacher, etc.
Plus, I heard that make-up tests have different test-takers population and therefore slightly different curve since the curve is based on the test takers. I don’t want to take any risk in AP Chem while I don’t care about APES.</p>