Epic Fail - mixing up colleges' names

<p>This has probably happened to a few of you out there, so I want to see what happened.</p>

<p>I rewrote my UPenn essay (page 217 of my autobiography) for my Columbia essay (which has an open prompt). Problem is, I had written "University of Pennsylvania" in the original one, and I forgot to change it in my Columbia app.</p>

<p>To those of you who also did this (last year) - what were the results? Did you contact the school and send them a new essay, asking them to disregard the old one? What can I do now?</p>

<p>The only thing you can reasonably do is send a completely new essay and merely say there was in error in sending the other one (which is true). THat way you can remain honest AND submit a new essay. If they won’t take it, at least you can be assured that you tried.</p>

<p>That kinda sucks, maybe they will overlook it if you are a really good applicant, otherwise they may mistake you as a careless and lazy person, who knows?</p>

<p>I’m sure you’re not the only one. I almost did the same thing in grad school apps. Hopefully, they’re used to it enough that they overlook it.</p>