equivalent of lab research for the humanities?

<p>I am currently a sophomore majoring in English and here is my question: what is the equivalent of say lab research for someone in the humanities? I don't have a specialized interest area completely mapped out quite yet, but do figure it hovers somewhere around literary theory and/or possibly early American literature. But again, at this stage I'm not sure what I can really do. Publishing is obviously out of the question, for who am I but some snot-nosed undergrad?</p>

<p>My university does have a great deal of professors who specialize in literary theory and criticism (more than any other specialty here) which I suppose is good news.</p>

<p>Honors thesis. It’s really the only thing that undergraduates in humanities can do to get some research experience given that humanities is certainly very much independent as opposed to the sciences which is largely team-oriented.</p>

<p>Thank you for the fast reply. The department website has information on English Honors courses in addition to an senior honors essay (which I believe is what you’re talking about). I’ll definitely look further into that.</p>

<p>Thanks again!</p>