ESLAT score

Hey guys,

I’m gonna be a Badger!! Woo!!
So my ESLAT score is “99.00”, and I could not find any placement chart online, as I did for Math and French. I know I’ll be told more about it in SOAR, but can anyone tell me what it means, or how much it was out of anyways?

Thanks lots :slight_smile:

I googled the ESLAT score for placement in ESL English courses. . Looked at UW information and couldn’t find out which ESL course you would need based on your score. You can email UW with your question now or just wait until you are at UW for your international SOAR the end of August. btw- I did find out that scores for UW students on that test tend to be between 95 and 105- you’re right in the middle. I also found out that the TOEFEL scores do not always correlate- but that was used for admissions, this is for the class placement.

Hi @wis75 that’s not entirely accurate - the TOEFL scores generally range from 95 to 105, not the ESLAT, and that’s according to the report you are talking about ( My Student Center also indicates, along with the ESLAT score, that my “Communication A requirement” is satisfied. So, I read up about the UW-Madison GER for CLS, but I still don’t know exactly which English courses I should be taking. Anyways, thank you for the reply :slight_smile:

As always, the best source of accurate information is the university itself. Ask them.

will do :slight_smile: thanks again