essay #4, who wants a peak?

<p>Anyone up for reading a what function would you be essay? Well anyone except those applying to UChicago this year.</p>

<p>OOhh PM me and I'll read it.</p>

<p>I have no interest in UChicago, I'll take a look!</p>

<p>I am so tempted, but since I plan on writing number 4 it's probably not a good idea. How long did it take you to write?</p>

<p>About 30-45 minutes</p>

<p>Did you use complicated math or just relate stuff up through calc to your personality?</p>

<p>ohh im really curious to see what people did with this one... do PM me (I applied last year, so no worries heheh)</p>

<p>Seeing as I haven't stared writing yet, I'm terribly interested to see your work and steal all of your ideas. </p>

<p>Just kidding. =) Please, though, I'd love to read.</p>

<p>Crap, nevermind. I can't read well enough to read your essay. </p>

<p>"Except for those applying this year". Oops. </p>



<p>I'm a junior, can I give it a shot?</p>

<p>Ill read it over</p>

<p>cj you are someone the esssay writers are competting against. Are you just trying to steal ideas?</p>

<p>not applying to uc, i'll read</p>

<p>whoops i didnt read the second sentance of your posting. as you can see, I posted at 12:48 i really wasnt reading anything too well. I am applying this year, but i wasnt looking to steal ideas. if i were you, i wouldnt want to let other applyers read my essay either. sorry i misread your post; honestly, i wasnt trying to steal any ideas, and i plan on writing option #3 anyway. sorry again</p>

<p>Send me it. I was going to apply to UC but decided not to. But I did plenty of research on the essays and I'll help you out with yours if you want the help.</p>

<p>Are any of you familar with Stephen Merritt/ The Magnetic Fields? For some odd reason, essay #4 reminded me of something out of "The 69 Love Songs". I can easily imagine Stephen Merritt writing a song "Cosine Love". </p>

<p>For the record, I am writing on #3.</p>

<p>I'd love to!!!</p>

<p>I'd love to read it.</p>

<p>I'd love to read it too!!</p>