Let me know I'll PM it over.
If you check mine, I'll check yours.
Just post what schools you are applying to so that we don't have any cross overs.</p>
<p>I’ll read yours if you’ll read mine. Mine are for the UCs.</p>
<p>KK, shoot me a pm.
Are you applying anywhere else than UC’s?</p>
<p>Want to swap mine too? xD</p>
<p>yes, Columbia, U Penn, Georgetown, Harvard, Yale, Cornell. wanna still swap?</p>
<p>itsvuman…wanna swap?</p>
<p>peaceofcake, send your over.
I ok I’m not applying there. but where else r u applying to b/c I’m on the east coast what state schools?</p>
<p>umm…im applying to the aforementioned UCs and USC. I am PMing my essays now.</p>