Essay Commentary

<p>According to UChicago...</p>

<p>This is your chance to speak to us and our chance to listen as you tell us about yourself, your tastes, and your ambitions. Each topic can be addressed with utter seriousness, complete fancy, or something in between—it's your choice. Play, analyze (don't agonize), create, compose—let us hear the result of your thinking about something that interests you, in a voice that is your own. </p>

<p>I picked the prompt below...</p>

<p>Essay Option 4
Superstring theory has revolutionized speculation about the physical world by suggesting that strings play a pivotal role in the universe. Strings, however, always have explained or enriched our lives, from Theseus's escape route from the Labyrinth, to kittens playing with balls of yarn, to the single hair that held the sword above Damocles, to the basic awfulness of string cheese, to the Old Norse tradition that one's life is a thread woven into a tapestry of fate, to the beautiful sounds of the finely tuned string of a violin, to the children's game of cat's cradle, to the concept of stringing someone along. Use the power of string to explain the biggest or the smallest phenomenon.</p>

<p>Anyone willing to go through my (roughly) drafted essay?</p>

<p>sure pm me :)</p>

<p>bump bump...anyone else?
(i promise its not too long :) )</p>

<p>ill give it a read</p>

<p>I'll go for it... </p>

<p>I actually enjoy reading my friend's college essays. XP</p>

<p>email me.......</p>

<p>pm mee....</p>

<p>I'll give it a go if you still need it. just pm back</p>

<p>if you still need help i am available</p>

<p>sounds interesting! I'd like to read and comment. Feel free to PM me!</p>

<p>interesting topic. pm me if you still need help.</p>

<p>ill read it and comment</p>