<p>What can i write as to why i want to attend say deerfield, taft, etc... they are all different in some way. is there something specific these schools are looking for in this small space of words? Any other applications hints would be great.</p>
<p>i don’t think theres really one answer you can say for all, as they are all a little different! But, its really necessary to have one essay for all of them, say you liked their community. (Going with the community aspect will really help if you’ve already done your interview, so you can say you liked the way people interact with each other!)</p>
<p>hope that helps…</p>
<p>Students should only apply if they are truly passionate about going to a certain school and not for the prestige and anything else. They’re going to really want you if you can tell them why you want to go to their school. Find out what’s unique about them. Read the school’s website, that’s a start.</p>
<p>Ponder questions why you really want to go to a certain school. For example, there wasn’t many ECs at your school. You’ve never had the chance to do _______ before and boarding school will give you this opportunity, etc. Perhaps there’s a certain teacher you want to work with? Or is it the school’s unique approach to education while everyone else is trying or have become a degraded version of Exeter? Do your research.</p>