i want to write a letter to an adult I’m acquaintanced with (bit more complicated than that but not going into detail here) with everything I’ve never said to her but always wanted to say (and it has to do with one of my EC’s) would this be a good essay? Or should i stick with a more classic format and describe our relationship?
I saw an admission officer in a YouTube video advise against gimmicks because they often take over the essay. I’d recommend sticking with the more classic format, but it’s your decision.
I’ve read short stories which are in letter format and they are always good and fun to read. Someone else wrote a poem.
Anything that separates you from the pack has the potential to help you shine. It should be well written, and the format should help with the story, not detract. Write a draft and get some feedback. I’d say go for it!
Last fall I worked with a student whose essay took the form of a letter to mother who worked her tail off to give him opportunities. My take was that the different format would be a plus. More importantly, the structure brought out some heartfelt writing. The combination may have contributed to his early action acceptance to Princeton. In other words, if a letter feels right, and it helps you to write, I say go for it.
Hope this is helpful.