<p>IF the congressman/senators say "briefly" state why you want to enter a service academy in a well-written essay... is that about a page? Would you want to write more than a page, or is that not a good idea for most congressman/senators?</p>
<p>Most of the applications state how long they want the essay. The committees probably have a large amount of applications so they generally do not want an Homeric epic. I know that my senators and congresswoman want one page essays and I would imagine many others are similar.</p>
<p>Be succinct.</p>
<p>both of my senators wanted 250 words or less for the essay, and my congressman wanted 500 words or less. Senators probably want it slighty shorter because of thier volume of applicants.</p>
<p>...Should it be double spaced or single spaced if they say "write approx. one page"</p>
<p>Follow their directions. If there are no directions, make it as easy as possible for the reader.</p>
<p>Another bit of advice on any of the essays. Make sure you write it yourselves and edit, edit, edit.</p>
<p>but if they just say "one page" should I make it single spaced only or double?</p>
<p>easy on the reader = double space</p>
<p>At least that's my opinion...</p>