
<p>Does UT change the essay topics every semester, every year, or never?</p>

<p>Was that a dumb question?</p>

<p>They basically never change. Since the three essays on are connected to all the schools requiring essays in the state of Texas, it would take a greater effort to change them.
They will definitely not change every semester or even every year. If they change at all it will most likely be the wording.</p>

<p>Oh, thanks. I didn’t know that all essays in Texas had the same essays. This is great to know though, now I have a year to perfect them.</p>

<p>The essay topics didn’t change from last year…so yeah.
Should be the same for Fall '10 applicants.</p>

<p>That’s good your starting early! Mine were so rushed because I put off doing them. And after working on them for awhile you get so tired of having to work on these essays that you just settle for what you have… Happened to me a most of my friends that did theirs last minute. So work on them early so you can take a break for a few days then look at them with fresh eyes. (Also you will have the luxury of having some one proof-read your final product.)</p>