Essential reads for every aspiring (middle school) teacher


Title pretty much says it all, I plan in teaching middle school science and was wondering if anyone had any input on good/helpful books for beginning teachers? Thanks!

Science fair season?
Not as a “what to do” book, but as a " that’s the spirit! " book.
See me after class by Roxanna Elden. Best book for young teacher.

The First Days of School by Harry Wong.
First time I read it, I took everything with a grain of salt and thought ehh nahh I don’t think I personally need this.
Second time around, after my first year, I reread it as gospel.

Not a book, but some suggestions:

  • Speak to every teacher you can, particularly middle school science teachers.
  • Observe every chance you get. Contact you old middle school and see whether you can observe during college breaks-- Middle schools tend to go back on January 2, for example, while many colleges have a lot more time. Dress professionally, and take notes on EVERYTHING-- how the teachers handle bathroom requests and noise in the halls and giving back tests. Make note of what seems to work (on that day and with those kids) and what doesn't seem to.
  • KNOW YOUR SCIENCE!! The quickest way to lose the respect of a group of kids (of almost any age) is to not know your stuff. Doing so won't automatically make you a good teacher, but failing to do so will automatically make you a bad one.