Establishing Residency in California

Just a warning, your parents may not want to give up claiming you as a dependent. Our 22-year-old son asked me to do that, and I said, “No way!” If I’m helping pay for his education, I want to at least get whatever tax benefit I can. He’s still annoyed with me. Oh, well.

Thank you all so much! I really appreciate it.

You can’t claim residency at all because you have already applied to a California university and are coming to California for educational purposes.

Once you apply, as an OOS student, and have not established residency as of this point, it demonstrates to the state that you are coming to educate yourself, or “educational purposes” and you remain and will be a non-resident for all four years.

Right, just coming to CA for educational purposes is enough to disqualify you. The UC system is hurting and highly unlikely to give discounts they can’t afford. You aren’t a resident under any of the conditions or subcategories.

I was fortunate to qualify as a grad student, years ago. But I had ready met the basics and then some.

Search CC. Lots of threads about wanting to magically qualify.

All these hoops (which won’t work) for UCI?