Estimate your admissions decision from UCSD

<p>I agree probably 8000 for engineering -___- I did my points and i think, I THINK it is 7,823. What do you all think the cutoff will be?? 7,800???</p>

<p>dang…8000…I’m at 7998 XO</p>

<p>key thing is my ACT score. I don’t know if I’m converting it correctly.</p>

<p>composite 35
english - 35
math - 35
reading - 32
english/writing - 31</p>

<p>(I’m using [UC</a> Admissions](<a href=“]UC”>
So I’m ending up with a UC score of 272.33, which i am then trying to reconvert it into an SAT score and I’m getting like 2230? Is that correct? If it is, it is amazing how 35 ACT turns into a 2230 T__T</p>

<p>Can anyone help me out?</p>

<p>^EnemyUnit, you should be really close. You most likely have plenty of points for admission (esp with a composite of 35), and if you are seriously only 2 pts short of the cutoff (which we’re just guessing anyways), I imagine that there would be something in your application to push you over the edge. I’m just hoping at this point to get accepted…
I think the whole SAT/ACT conversion thing with the UC’s is confusing. There are some charts online that claim to be UC conversion charts and you can see if those are helpful. They say that my composite of 28= SAT 1920. I’m hoping that’s right, but it could be as low as 1860 according to other charts. Who knows?? </p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Ok, here it goes,
4100 (4.1 uc gpa)
29 ACT (I looked at the official act website and it correlates to 1940 not sure what ucs use) 1940 690 630 x .8 is 2608
500 (a-g)
300 (volunteering…wow all that paid off)
75 (one year cosmos)
150 (president of 1 club, vp of another)
150 (western league champions and CIF division two second place)
Is 7883</p>

<p>“29 ACT (I looked at the official act website and it correlates to 1940 not sure what ucs use) 1940 690 630 x .8 is 2608”</p>

<p>Nice try! You gotta do it the UC way haha. here use this link [UC</a> Admissions](<a href=“]UC”>
they make you break it down to the sections and compute it from there. Get to the UC score and then just choose one of the many ways to compute a SAT score from that UC score.</p>

<p>Thank you enemy unit. So do I just use my English, Reading, and Math score, and totally disregard science? Compute those sections to SAT and then add them up?</p>

<p>check this out from the link enemyunit posted</p>

<p>“To qualify this way, you must achieve a minimum UC Score Total—calculated according to the instructions below—of 410 (425 for nonresidents). In addition, you must earn a minimum UC Score of 63 on each component of the ACT or SAT Reasoning Test and on each SAT Subject Test.” </p>

<p>I got a 24 in the science section for the ACT. does that mean that i cant use my ACT score? how does this work? btw, i got a 27…</p>

<p>anyone out there applied to UCSD ???</p>

<p>am i over estimating? </p>

<p>GPA - 3.75 - 3750
SAT + SAT 2s (2220+750+750)*.8 - 2976
Classes beyond minimum - 500
Leadership - Chief Technology Officer/Secretary/Team Leader of Science For Youth (organization that holds seminars with 50+ kids in attendance usually) - 100 ? <- wasn’t too sure if these even counted XD
Special talent - own businesses/websites and make thousands a year - 300 (why do i feel as if this wont count? D:)
Community Service - lets pretend i have 200 - 300
Academic prep program - will be attending UCSD academic connections or one at an ivy league - 50</p>

<p>So that’s… 7976? >.<; but if leadership and special talent doesn’t count…</p>

<p>GPA - 4.09 = 4090
ACT/SAT II - 31 (converts to 2010 SAT) + 740 Math II + 700 USH = 2760
Classes beyond minimum = 500
Volunteer hours - above 200 = 300
Leadership - president of club, Entertainment editor of school newspaper - 150?
Single parent household - I heard this gives some points? No idea if that’s true = I’ll say 0</p>

<p>Total: 7800 (assuming leadership counts…)</p>

<p>looks like for fall 2011 UCSD began using a partial holistic review process - like Berkely and LA…so throw that into the mix!</p>

<p>Yeah… not sure if that helps or hurts me. Probably hurts me…</p>

<p>Does 4 year varisity letterman in one sport (2 CIF appearances, no championships) qualify for special talent? It clearly shows as many qualities (dedication, discipline, teamwork) as being VP of two clubs shows leadership.</p>

<p>im right at 8000 UCSD points (well over by a few)…</p>

<p>and would you say “Head Chef” is “Leadership?”</p>

<p>I think Head ‘Chief’ is leadership, I don’t think Head ‘Chef’ is …</p>

<p>spatel: Just wait a week and find out :p</p>