Estimate your admissions decision from UCSD

<p>^^ Here is a link to the only rubric that I can find still online:
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>The older one was better, but anyways…the points for tests is SAT I (or ACT) + SAT II + SAT II, then *.8 for the TOTAL. </p>

<p>You get 500 points for having 40 or more a-g classes, 250 pts. for 33-39, I believe. </p>

<p>I’m still coming up a little short for the 7800 mark, but I’m waiting for new SAT II’s and hoping I get some points for educational prep programs (My school uses Bridge, but it’s not listed…I listed it as “other” and described what it is). I’m also hoping for at least half pts on leadership or acheivements, but not counting on them. </p>

<p>Good luck to you.</p>

<p>aaronjv15 – the educational environment points are determined by what ‘quintile’ your school falls in, not anything else or so i believe.</p>

<p>300 pts for schools that fall in the 4th/5th quintile</p>

<p>jmsy-- 4th or 5th quintile= bottom 40%. Now, they say they base these quintiles on HS completion rate, % of students taking college prep, % of students in honors/AP courses, % of students admitted to UC/CSU. I know last year, our UC/CSU admission rate was something like 18%. </p>

<p>The reason I stated our API score was in case anyone is familiar with what is a good or bad score. While I’m sure the criteria are different for what UCSD uses to determine educational environment from what the API uses to determine the strength of a school, I would expect a good API school would be good in the eyes of the UC, and a bad one would be bad.</p>

<p>Basically, I would be extremely surprised if my school did not fall into the 4th or 5th quintile under any reasonable judgement</p>

<p>dcold-- awesome! Good luck to you in your subject tests. I would suspect your program falls under their guidelines. It disappointed me that being a full diploma candidate for IB did not count because there are so many things that we must do, but whatever.</p>

<p>Can anyone look at the leadership positions I have listed and give their say on whether or not I would recieve 150 points?</p>

<p>So anyone know the points needed to get into UCI, UCD, and UCSB? </p>

<p>Perhaps 500 points lower than SD?</p>

<p>It doesn’t matter. The rubrics are not the same.</p>

<p>So how come the rubrics for UCSD are published like this but not for UCI, UCSB, UCD, etc.? Surely someone has figured out the rubrics/point systems for those schools?</p>

<p>aaronjv15: not sure about the leadership points. I’m unsure of mine too. I thought you needed 2 minor positions or 1 major position to get points. I want to say you need 2 minor positions to get half points though and I don’t know if you have to have a specific title (like VP, etc) or if it is ok to be part of a team that is understood to be a leadership team in general (like I am on the Senior Leadership Team, but I don’t have a title). I’m counting my leadership points as 0, just so I don’t get too disappointed.</p>

<p>Right, that’s what I’m doing as well. I heard they’re strict, so it would only make sense to give 0 points.</p>

<p>Just hoping that I’ll get half. City Youth Council is somewhat difficult to get in to, and hopefully principal’s advisory will count in conjunction with being VP. But we’ll see >.></p>

<p>J.G. – the UCSD rubric is widely known because the university itself has published it on their website, while UCI, UCSB, and UCD have not.</p>

<p>Their admission criteria are listed but there is no certain point value assigned to each category</p>

<p>There is a spreadsheet for calculating UCD admissions chances as their rubric is pretty well recreated. <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>UCSB awards half the formula points for a very vaguely stated evaluation of ‘promise’ thus quite hard to reverse engineer. </p>

<p>Never looked into UCI so can’t say. There is also an estimator for UCSC, search for ‘estimate’ to locate it.</p>

<p>Thanks. Could you define this “promise” category? You mean looking at what major the person is applying with?</p>

<p>The lost rubric, having been hosted on Geocites which Yahoo shut down, is retrievable from an internet archive. I have pasted it here to ensure it isn’t lost again, as this is invaluable for USCD applicants to estimate more closely how the adcoms will grant points. The formatting is lost in the pasted seciton, but see the archive for a better view [UCSD</a> Freshman Comprehensive Review Process (Dec 2004)](<a href=“]UCSD”>UCSD Freshman Comprehensive Review Process (Dec 2004))</p>

<p>UCSD Freshman Comprehensive Review Process (Dec 2004)
courtesy of Joe Ogilvie, former PHHS head counselor</p>

<p>All UC eligible applicants receive a review that considers a combination of the following academic and personal achievement factors. UCSD used the specific scoring rubric shown to award points for fall 2005.</p>

<p>Admission Factors
Maximum points</p>

<p>Academic achievement factors
constitute 77% of the maximum points available</p>

<p>Grade point average x 1000 - Includes a maximum of eight (8) extra semester grade points for approved honors, AP, & UC transferable college courses. This component is capped at 4500 points

<p>All required examinations, SAT I and SAT II x 0.8 (SAT I Verbal & Math; SAT II Writing & Math, and SAT II Subject Tests). See the UCSD General Catalog, pg 35 for an ACT to SAT conversion table

<p>The number of A-G semester courses beyond the minimum specified for UC eligibility</p>

<p>33-39 courses: 250 pts</p>

<p>40 or more courses: 500 pts</p>


<p>Eligibility in the Local Context (ELC) (300 points for ELC applicants)

<p>Educational Environment- Identified schools which fall into the 4th or 5th quintiles (300 points for applicants from 4th and 5th quintile schools); PHHS is not eligible

<p>Socio-Economic Factors</p>

<p>Low family income</p>

<p>Parental income <$60,000: 150 pts</p>

<p>Less than federal TRIO low-income cut-offs: 300 pts</p>


<p>First-generation college attendance:
Using most educated parent:</p>

<p>Some college or 2-year graduate: 150 pts</p>

<p>High school education or less: 300 pts</p>


<p>Personal Characteristics and Achievement Factors</p>

<p>Demonstrated leadership:</p>

<p>150 pts for two or minor roles, (President or VP of club, captain or co-captain of team,
secretary, treasurer of class or school)</p>

<p>300 pts for one or more major leadership roles, (President. or VP of class or school, Editor-in-Chief, Eagle Scout, Girl Scout Gold Award)</p>


<p>Special talents, achievements and awards: Single 150, Multiple 300. Examples are Talents/Achievements outside of school - Black belt, creative entrepreneurship. Awards outside of school setting - Must be first, second or third in a league, regional, citywide or wider competition, i.e. Boys’ & Girls’ State, RYLA, science fair, sports teams, academic decathlon, academic league, Hugh O’Brien award.

<p>Volunteer/community service: Demonstrated charitable work or community service not compensated with pay or
class credit. List specific duties/tasks! Highest total combined hours over two years</p>

<p>100-199 total hours: 150 pts</p>

<p>200+ total hours: 300 pts.</p>


<p>Participation in pre-collegiate/motivational and enrichment programs: AVID, EAOP, commercial and school test preparation courses, etc. </p>

<p>1 year: 75 pts</p>

<p>2 years: 150 pts</p>

<p>3+ years: 300 pts</p>


<p>Special circumstances and/or personal challenges:

<p>Single parent household: 250 pts. </p>

<p>Working to contribute to family income AND
a minimum of 20 hours per week during a school year: 250 pts.</p>

<p>Life altering event (foster care, death of immediate family member, personal involvement in a life trauma): 500 points</p>

<p>Less severe event/situation: 250 pts</p>


<p>Maximum total


<p>In 2004, the cut point for UCSD admission was 7,465 (7,586 for out-of-state). </p>

<p>41,000 applicants, 42% admitted, 3,800 enrolled. </p>

<p>Verification of non-academic information for 2005 fall applicants will be done on random 10% of accepted students prior to admission notification. </p>


<p>i’m looking at the spreadsheet [ucsd</a> score](<a href=“]ucsd”> and it says you can get 300 pts for the awards. It says you need two awards that are 1st-3rd in regional+ competition to get 300 pts. If you have 1 such award, would you get 150? Or is it completely all or none?</p>

<p>1 such award, 150 points. It is trinary - 300 points for 2 or more of those awards, 150 for a single one, 0 points for any other situation.</p>

<p>okay, that clarifies a lot. thanks!</p>

<p>and for the awards, do they only consider strictly competitive awards? I won a Volunteer of the Year award, which I guess you -could- say is competitive, but not nearly to the degree of say winning debate tournaments or sports tournaments. What is your take on that?</p>

<p>thanks again</p>

<p>ahh sorry 2 more questions</p>

<li><p>For the awards section, one of my awards was regional history day “finalist”, and I went on to compete at state level competition. They didn’t tell us what we placed (1st, 2nd, 3rd), they just said we are “finalists” and that we are moving on to the next level of competition. Will UCSD not count “finalist” as an award?</p></li>
<li><p>For the leadership…I’m president of a club, and a “site leader” in this research project, where I manage a team of 5 students. Would I get 0 or 150 pts? (I don’t know if site leader would count in their point calculations, but I added the description that i’m managing 5 other students so that might show the leadership? I’m not sure)</p></li>


<p>the rubric is pretty specific and it is by job title for clubs and by 1st, 2nd or 3rd title for awards. The way I read it, no points.</p>

<p>ahh…okay. <em>facepalm</em></p>

<p>By any chance, do you have an idea what the cutoff would be to get into an impacted major (bio) ?</p>

<p>Maybe 8000? Not sure. My son applied to an impacted major also (mechanical engineering), and his points are borderline to get into UCSD, so we’ll see what happens.</p>