Estimate your admissions decision from UCSD

<p>Would 7700 be a in also for chem eng or does it go up for engineering courses?</p>

<p>is ELC top 4% or top 12.5%?</p>

<p>@Lupirius top 4 %</p>

<p>grrr... i am top 5% at my school. do you know if they still award some points?</p>

<p>UCSD has really weird admissions that blow away all point predictions. These people I knew with 4.5s and 2100 got rejected and then my suitemate got like a 3.7 and 2000 and got in. </p>

<p>The student body itself has a range of ppl anyway.</p>

<p>you may be missing the point entirely, OoPurestOo. </p>

<p>It is precisely because of the formula that grants so many points for various factors outside of GPA and SAT that you see the spread - with a 4.5 plus 2100 SAT applicant who has few other eligible categories garnering a smaller total than another student whose stats are 3.7 and 2000. </p>

<p>If the 'weaker' candidate had 40 or more a-g courses during their 4 years in HS, they have their 3.7 turned into the equivalent of a 4.2.</p>

<p>That is, the 40 courses equals .5 GPA
ELC equals .3 GPA
Low income is .3 GPA
First generation in college is .3 GPA equivalent
leadership, talent, volunteer work, each .3 GPA</p>

<p>Get several of those and you could turn a 3.0 into a much higher effective stat. </p>

<p>Without those special categories, one needs almost perfect SATs and GPA to get in. (4.5 GPA and perfect SATs equals 7700 points). The other categories together are 3,400 additional points. Since a bare bones eligible student would have a 3.0 GPA and with only 200 on each SAT section and subject test would have 3,800 points, the range from dead bottom to perfect stats is almost the same as all the other categories. They have HUGE effect on admissions. It produces seemingly random admissions decisions if you chance people based on GPA, tests and essays, as most tend to do. It produces very predictable results if you look at the formula and the impact of those categories.</p>

<p>wow this thread had taught me so much. I always thought that gpa and test score were huge factors but it seems fair because a lot of less advantaged kids do not have the same opportunities and end up scoring lower on sats. It even taking into account that usually when a person is first generation parents tend to not know what is expected and have no way of informing their kids of what they should by striving for...</p>

<p>With that being said, I ended up with around 8480 being completly fair and trying not to give myself any extra points that they would not give me... I actually had 8730 but dedected 250 just in case they didnt give them to me... </p>

<p>I have always seen ucsd as a long shot and by no mean expect to get in.</p>

<p>With that number what do you think my chances for warren psychology major are? be brutally honest..</p>

<p>^O and sorry for any typos... Im on my phone</p>

<p>again, I wouldnt rely on this... The same thing happened last year and people were so confused when they had over 8500+ according to themselves and got rejected...</p>

<p>Just because you had a certain amount of hours or accomplished the point categories doesn't mean you get 100% of the points in that category.... I heard they are strict about the points within the given categories. </p>

<p>Anyways, you guys will just see in march what I mean</p>

<p>If you don't get admitted, the admissions staff will gladly go over what points they did assign to each category and the rules under which they rated your facts. They also will tell you the cutoff they used for this year.</p>

<p>Sometimes that conversation uncovers facts that weren't clear on your application but that the adcom will use to increase your poitns, thus producing a successful appeal. On the other hand, you may discover that you were wildly optimistic in assigning points. I did include the rubric in this post to illustrate how strict they are in giving points - use that as guidance for your self-evaluation.</p>

<p>In any case, this is a much more accurate 'chance' than the typical stats-essay-ec thing posted here.</p>

you have a LOT of points.
my 4.27 UC GPA, plus decently good SAT scores, ELC, and 40+ A-G only nets me 8100 points.</p>

<p>I'm 508 points above the 7700 cutoff. Should I expect admittance?</p>

<p>Also, in my essay, I wrote about how my mother attempted suicide a year ago and it's impact on me. Would that get me 500 points for "Special Challenges"?</p>

<p>Like I said I was not generous at all with the points...</p>

<p>and thanks rider the rubric really helped when deciding how many I would get. :) and I agree that it is much more accurate than Stats, EC ect method...</p>

<p>This is my breakdown...
3770- GPA
2360- Tests
250- 35 A-G
0- ELC (missed it by one in rank :()
300- Ed. Eviron.
300- Parent income
300- 1st Generation
300- Friday Night Live Club (President), Schoars Club (CoPresident), Gavel Club (VP), ASB 4 years (ASB Secretary now), a few more.. but these most significant.
300- RYLA, Boys State,Scholarship Comp Finalist.
300- I know I have much more than 200... prob something around 450. dont feel lik counting tho lol.
300- AVID 2 years, EAOP 4 years, COSMOS 08.
Total- 8480</p>

<p>I decided not to give myself the 250 for life altering event..
but know that I think back to my app I should of mentioned that I was clinically depressed in sophomore year which made my gpa drop to 3.77 :(. I prob would of had lik 3.9ish. and I would have gotten the 250 points for less severe event/situation.</p>

<p>I wouldnt give yourself anywhere close to 300 points in most of those categories. Again, they are pretty strict with those EC's.</p>

<p>Then what would you give.... those are either you got it or you don't there's no gray area in between...</p>

<p>school sucks, parent income low, 1st gen, a crap load of comm service and college prep.. </p>

<p>its not like, "oh its half 1st generation give him 150"...</p>

<p>Purest your so pessimistic.. I do not consider myself an optimist but wow.... have a lil hope. haha</p>

<p>I can see what purest is gaining at, I mean, I don't come from your background, my parents are upper middle class, my school is good / wealthy, and I don't really have the same "hardships" as you, but nonetheless, it is still difficult to succeed in school. </p>

<p>If you're points are right, then a 3.77 gpa with something scores edges out a 4.27 with something scores with the right amount of stuff. </p>


<p>Whatever helps you sleep at night. </p>

<p>I'm just saying this may give you an indication, not a guarentee, however... been there done that.... last year many qualified 8500+ (or so they calculated) got rejected and some below the line got in.</p>

<p>Purest your kinda NOT that pure all that negativity clogging yo system... I have seen nothing but negative and sarcastic posts from you... the one good thing I remember was "I love socal"- (not exact quote but along the lines)..</p>

it will do you some good. You'll attract more flies with honey than vinegar. HAHA
I'm a realist too but you take it to the extreme..</p>

<p>Was that post really necessary? lol it had almost no significance to the topic. I really don't find it worth it to argue back against that so I'll just let it go so w/e. </p>

<p>Again, whatever helps you sleep at night.</p>