I don’t know if it was said here or elsewhere, but the usual sort of store bought eggs we buy can be weeks old- or more. Someone said her mom left eggs on the counter.my mother did, too, for scrambled eggs. We need Alton Brown to explain, haha.
Also, just found the instructions online and the highest mw noted is 1000 watts.
How about this one: Has anyone heard of or used Pomi chopped tomatoes from Italy in a box container, not a can. I just came from the supermarket & bought two. It was recommended to me so I bought some. I use a lot of tomatoes in many recipes so I thought I’d give these a try. They look great, no additives or preservatives, etc.>>>>>>>>>
Lacking specific instructions to the contrary, I generally assume I can just decrease cooking time to cook things that don’t list my microwave’s wattage in the instructions.
zipyourlips, FWIW, my MW is a newer Panasonic, 1200 watt. 8 min worked like a charm. As with any egg boiling, I inspected the eggs and set aside the ones with uneven looking shells and the ones that looked crooked. Mine were regular Wicox Farms extra large eggs that are sold here at Costsco in 18-packs.
It just snaps on, but of course not a sealed kind of snap, so if you pick the thing by the top part, the bottom will fall off immediately. I think one need to make sure the metal egg holder plate touches the metal lining of the cover to encase the eggs so they are just steaming instead of boiling from within.
I didn’t buy mine from Amazon, but these are a couple of my favorite cooking spoons. I love the built in “rests”. No need to use and dirty-up a spoon rest with these built-in rests.
i sent for a car cane, but I have to tell everyone that I am SO turned off by the company! They make you scroll through a number of different pop-up add-ons before you can check out, and today I got a call to confirm my address and telling me they were sending some kind of coupons to save $100 on gas or something and that i could “cancel it” after 14 days. I had to push them to tell me NOT to send it. I hate those things that start “free” but then you pay if you don’t cancel… No matter what I think of the product, i am not dealing with that company again. Very scuzzy. It made me wonder if they were trying to take advantage of elderly people with overly aggressive and confusing sales pitches.
" It just snaps on, but of course not a sealed kind of snap, so if you pick the thing by the top part, the bottom will fall off immediately. I think one need to make sure the metal egg holder plate touches the metal lining of the cover to encase the eggs so they are just steaming instead of boiling from within. "
oh good. that’s why I experienced. It does seem odd.
All I have to say is that I can’t believe so many people on this thread have trouble peeling an egg! I just tap shell with a knife or whatever else is handy and voila - 2 seconds and shell is off.
Well, emily, me too. But when the price dropped back to 6.99, I figured what the hey. As little trouble as peeling is for me, I really haven’t been making as many because of the watch-the-pot thing. (I’m the one who recently had an egg explode in a pot.) And too often, somehow the hb eggs come out lopsided lately, yolk not centered. Silly reason to buy a gadget, I know.
Oh, do you have to place the egg with the wider side up and the pointier down? That would make sense, as the air pocket is at the wider end and may allow for expansion better. This is all too much for my brain.