European Colleges

I live in the US, but how do you apply for European colleges or other international colleges? is it the same process as the US.

No. But Europe is a big place and the application process varies by country and by uni. Do some googling on the ones you are interested in and you’ll easily find data on how to apply.

No, very different. You will need lots of time to figure out the various systems. There are many US colleges in Europe as well. You can easily find them by country.

(As an American) Are there any important college exams that are necessary when applying for European colleges, specifically Imperial College London and TU Delft?

One is in the UK, one in the Netherlands, so you need to research each country’s system. As a rule of thumb, though, European systems rely on final exams in high school in an assortment of subjects for university entry so want to see AP scores in addition to SATs or ACTs, and will ignore high school GPAs and ECs.

UK universities only care about APs related to the subject you want to apply for. I am not familiar with the system in the Netherlands but would guess that like most other European countries they want to see more breadth.

If you do not do well with independent study for high stakes subject tests and do not have a very clear idea of the subject you want to study, Europe is not the right place for you.

In short, your ability to ask these questions and find the answers on the universities’ websites is a first step on figuring whether a European college is for you.
Some universities accept the commonapp (check the countries in the search box).