<p>Alright, my college counselor says I need some fallback schools to balance out my list. Does anyone have any ideas? I'm looking for schools that are a) easy to get into, and b) don't suck.</p>
<p>Right now I have a 1510/2220 SAT 1, 760 World, 780 US, 690 Latin SAT II (I'm taking SATs again this weekend and SAT IIs in November). I'm an AP Scholar w/ Distinction (the level under state) (World 5, Lit 5, Lang 4, US 4, Spanish Lang 3), and I've been commended by National Merit. My GPA is slightly above average (but it's definitely on the lower side of the scale) for my school, which is small, private and extemely distinguished (most people go to Harvard). I've got a decent amount of extracurrics and sports, and I've got great recs and essays. </p>
<p>God, I feel great writing that. Then again, I'm really not going to get in anywhere, so please, please, does anyone know some decent places that are still fun/good?</p>