<p>For those who have had full ed-psych evaluations recently - what is the going rate? There is a person recommended by my D school but I thought it was a bit pricey - so I need something to compare it to. Thanks</p>
<p>Where I am going later on in the year to renew it is 950 (approx) for the plain and simple l.d. evaluation and it is 2500 (approx) for the whole kit and caboodle evaluation. That is at a place called the Bowie Reading and Learning Center. Cheapest prices I have seen yet, and their staff is properly educated. I live in Tn and it is not a pricey state, I have no idea about NY or the West Coast.</p>
<p>If you already have a l.d then just getting the simple psych ed evaluation is the best way to go. </p>
<p>And, please if you do not have ADD, Aspergers, or any of the more new things and are really sure you haven't any of the more newer (in vogue) things (no offense to anyone that has that) then do not pay to be evaluated for it. State your case plainly with the Doctors. You walk in and say (for example):" I have or think I may have a L.D. and I need to please be evaluated solely for that l.d." Never agree to pay for anything which will not pertain to your l.d. situation and the future of your learning and whatnot.</p>
<p>Health Insurance providers do not always like to cover l.d testing, so it is best to read through anything at the doctor's offices and make doubly sure not to pay for anything you do not need. Some places get going with the newer or rather more in vogue l.d's and whatnot (not to trivalise things) and they forget that sometimes you might just plainly have dyslexia or what have you.</p>