
<p>I was watching a rerun of House the other day, and House told this girl who was trying to get him to tell her about his feelings that he was an evil person. Or maybe he said mean, I'm not sure. Well then she said, no you're not, if you were really evil, you wouldn't tell me.</p>

<p>Do you think that's true, that if someone tells you that they're a mean person, then they're really not that bad?
Ok because if you tell someone you're bad, it's like you're giving them a warning, and isn't that being considerate?
And it's like, the people who are really evil are very sneaky about it and the ones who are the best at it have a nice exterior but deep down they're bad. They would never admit that they were a bad person either.</p>

<p>...deeeep /<em>weeeee</em>/</p>


<p>W00T? /<em>comment</em>/</p>

<p>geez now i feel stupid</p>

<p>lol. you feel stupid? this just isn't really the place for... conversations.
that is, unless the conversation is about somebody's favorite cheese, nobody responds.</p>

<p>I think that I saw that episode. I fell asleep halfway through, though, so...</p>

<p>I don't remember that specific line, but I remember being annoyed by the writers' attempts to make the girl sound "profound." Ha.</p>