<p><a href="http://tinypic.com/i2og3t.jpg%5B/url%5D">http://tinypic.com/i2og3t.jpg</a></p>
<p>It's pretty self-explanatory.</p>
<p><a href="http://tinypic.com/i2og3t.jpg%5B/url%5D">http://tinypic.com/i2og3t.jpg</a></p>
<p>It's pretty self-explanatory.</p>
<p>Hah, that's pretty nifty
It's sorta like this email I got but I cant post it now cuz i'm at school where there's no email access but i'll show you later</p>
<p>hahahaha i like that. good humor :)</p>
<p>That's kind of very old LOL...but funny all the same.</p>
<p>I've seen that before but it gives me a chuckle every time!</p>
<p>This proof is equally applicable to males. In fact, using proper logic, we come to an interesting, and I would say more complete, definition of reality. </p>
<p>Our initial assumption, that girls equal time and money, must be expanded. FOR BOYS, girls equal an OUTPUT of money, that is to say, there exists some sort of negative flux of money. We take time as positive for though the fact is that surely time is SPENT, there is only one direction in which time may flow (taken as positive). Our equation now reads:</p>
<p>Girls = (Time)(-Money)</p>
<p>Following, we acheive:</p>
<p>Girls = -(Money )( Money) = - (Money)^2
Girls = - (sqrt of evil)^2
Girls = -Evil</p>
<p>By our assumption, FOR GIRLS, boys equal an INPUT of money (or at least, material goods and/or services which have some finite positive value in currency) and (by our same assumptions for the nature of time) thus, for girls, boys = (time) (+money). We then:</p>
<p>Boys = (Time)(money)</p>
<p>And by the arguement delineated in the linked jpeg:</p>
<p>Boys = Evil</p>
<p>Thus we may, in fact, declare that in reality BOYS are evil, and girls are, in fact, the OPPOSITE (additive inverse, at least) of evil, which suggests girls are something along the lines of good, at least, nonevil in nature. </p>
<p>...Of course, this only goes to show that there is no such thing as a one-sided coin, and that perspective is everything; the original joke is, in fact, merely HALF of the real joke, so to speak. What the true conclusion ought to be is that humans are sometimes evil, sometimes good, and boys AND girls are human. </p>
<p>Kind of ruins the joke, though.</p>
<p>(furthermore, the two-sidedness comes full circle, as one can just as easily argue that girls equal an output of time on boys' parts, and boys, an output of time on girls' parts, and thus the negativities are reversed, eh?)</p>
<p>JLP, you must have plenty of time on your hands.</p>
<p>That was plenty confusing thanks.</p>
<p>too much algebra for a joke...</p>
<p>Some people tend to go a little overboard sometimes ;)</p>
<p>cb25...have you made it to 10,000?????? which post is the roll over?????</p>
<p>actually i have some objections. since the number of girls or quality doesn't change and rarely changes significantly it is fine to say that "girls" is a constant which means that if more time is involved then less money will be involved. so i question the conjecture girls=time*money since u sort of say that time and money r proportional to each other meaning girls=time/money which means girls=1.</p>
<p>imiracle911, This one time I saw this donkey. And I wanted to kiss it.</p>