examples for SAT Essay..

<p>hey...could you come up with a few historical/literature based examples for the following SAT essay prompts ---</p>

<li><p>is creativity important?</p></li>
<li><p>are slow, gradually thought out decisions better than impulsive ones?</p></li>

<li>read about Maciej Drzymala who found an extremely creative way to avoid german restrictions some time ago; find more in Google though</li>

<p>in times when machines came into wide use in England people weren’t that happy ( sacked ) so they used to CREATIVELY do something with those machines, just few bolts more or less to make staff assume machines are worse</p>

<p>take an example of Mark Zuckerberg - the owner of FACEBOOK. ( Social Network - must watch )
Dude he was supercreative.</p>