Excelsior Scholarship

This is an older thread, but I thought I’d try to see if anyone has any feedback.
My son DID receive this email “Your Action is Required”, and it seems he didn’t open it. Ugh!

I hadn’t realized this until the determination was just made a few days ago that indicated: “You failed to submit your signed Excelsior Scholarship Contract by the deadline provided. As a result, your award has been withdrawn.” This is referring to the 2022-2023 school year, which just finished up.

Is there any recourse? It’s now way, and the deadline to apply for an Excelsior Scholarship isn’t until June. So, if he missed the deadline for the contract, even after approved, can we just re-submit?
Any other guidance would be appreciated.

I did contact SUNY Buffalo and they told me that I’d have to speak with HESC. I made a phone appointment with them but cannot get that until next week and I am stressing a bit.

Thank you!


HESC who controls the scholarship are the only ones who can answer the question