Exeter vs. Andover. Help someone out

I think we all know that Exeter and Andover are MAJOR rivals but I personally son’t really know their differences. Would someone help me out by replying? thanks!!

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These days, the similarities outweigh the negligible differences. A decade ago, you could not really say that.

One difference is in the social sciences electives. Andover’s are relatively narrow and specialized while lacking coverage of some broader topics one might expect; Exeter has more courses overall, including narrow and specialized ones, but because the overall number is greater also has electives for more traditional topics. Also, Exeter uses Harkness for math, while I believe Andover teaches mathematics in a more conventional fashion.

You like the one you get into.

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I would disagree with you here. I would say Exeter has more variety of history courses available for 9th and 10th graders, while Andover has a set World History sequence that everyone follows.

I will also say Andover does not use Harkness at all because Harkness is a registered trademark, but they do use Harkness-type in most non-STEM courses.

Earlier this year I had reason to look through the course catalogs in-depth for Andover and Exeter. While Andover’s offerings in “English” are extensive and excellent (IMHO), electives in history/world cultures/social sciences et al might reflect faculty interest more than anything else. For example, in-depth coverage of Haiti, but almost nothing on Asia, whether East or South. In fact, the only Asian studies course I can recall from the catalog was one on how Asian history books cover the same events differently than we do in “Western” countries. Also, my recollection is that even Andover’s World History requirement stops in the mid-1800s. All of this was one reason we chose another school. And then one reason we didn’t choose Exeter, despite extensive course offerings in the social sciences, was that we didn’t feel comfortable going discussion-only in advanced math.


I will agree with that. And the same is true with the English electives. A post I wrote several years ago:

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hey! since I’m personally really into world history (Rome, China, Ancient Civilizations) do you think Exeter would be a better choice in this aspect.

Like @ameridad said, Andover’s basic WH course ends around the mid-1800s. Now, I don’t know specifics about that course, but you should get many of the larger empires covered in it. The Roman Empire, the Ottoman, many of the Chinese empires, the Mongol’s, and maybe a few Japanese Empires. If you just want a general history course, from what I’ve heard on this forum, Andover would be the place to go. For a more in-depth course, but on one empire, it would be Exeter. I believe I saw a course a few months ago with Exeter that was literally called ‘History of China’ and then some specific empire.

You also have to consider which school you get into. It’s very unlikely to get into both schools.

This question is premature. Ask once you get accepted to both. If only one accepts you, then that’s the better choice.


Look at their respective course catalogs. Here’s the link to Andover’s:


And here’s a link to Exeter’s: https://www.exeter.edu/sites/default/files/documents/PEA-COI-21-22-Web-April15-2021.pdf

Keeping in mind that both have soooooooo many electives that it will be impossible to take all the ones that interest you at either.


ah ok! thank you :slight_smile:

I just want to point out that many electives in the course catalog are not offered all the time. They are dependent on enough kids signing up and if that teacher is teaching that elective the semester you want to take it. Additionally, most schools have so many requirements that you might only be able to take a few, A FEW, electives your entire time at the school.