<p>I am toying with the idea of shooting for the Siemens AP Scholarships. You win this by doing very well on the seven "science" APs (Calc BC, AB CS, Stat, Physics C [considered as one], Chem, Bio, Enviro). </p>
<p>I've taken three so far. The thing is I'm not actually in classes for any of the other four. I'm rather foolishly considering self-studying for them. My thoughts and questions are as follows:</p>
<p>Chem. I took regular (NYS Regents) chem in 10th grade, and this year am taking Organic Chem, which covers some topics well beyond general chem. How much additional material would I need to cover on my own? What's a good book?</p>
<p>Stat. I have, um, pretty much zero experience here. But I'm good at math and have heard that Stat can be a pushover. Is this true? What's a good book?</p>
<p>Enviro. Like Stat except easier. I looked at some practice questions on the CB site and got ~90% of them. But yeah, I have no real experience. Is self-study easy? What's a good book?</p>
<p>Bio. This is the scary one. I did take regular freshman bio but have forgotten a lot of it. With some review could I break a 3? How advanced is the AP material? What's a good book? (perhaps a real textbook, not just a review book)</p>