Extenuating and documented circumstances?

<p>Hi guys,</p>

<p>A bunch of my friends and I are trying to drop an impacted class. We understand that we will have the W on our transcripts...but it's better than a C. However, the policy is that it can only be approved under extenuating and documented circumstances. What does extenuating and documenting entail? And how long does it take for Murphy Hall to reach a decision? Any help is greatly appreciated.</p>


<p>Dropping Impacted Courses</p>

<p>Students have only two weeks to drop an impacted course without a notation on their transcript. After Friday of second week, students who need to request a drop of an impacted course should first consult their instructor for advice on other options.</p>

<p>Impacted courses may be dropped after the second-week deadline only under extraordinary circumstances. Each impacted course is indicated by a Y in the IM (Impacted) column in the class listings in the Schedule of Classes.</p>

<p>If dropping is advised due to exceptional or extreme circumstances (such as severe illness), students must obtain a Late Impacted Drop Petition or a Retroactive Drop Petition from their counseling unit. Students must explain their situation on the form and obtain a signature from the instructor. For College of Letters and Science students, impacted course drop requests are considered by a faculty subcommittee of the Faculty Executive Committee. If approved, the dropped course appears on the student’s transcript with a notation indicating the week of the term in which the drop petition was filed.</p>

<p>I have the same question. Do they basically just approve it if you get the teacher’s signature or is it really like it says on the petition:</p>

<p>“Red drop petitions are rarely granted and only in cases of extraordinary and verifyable circumstances?”</p>

<p>i had to do this once last year. I accompanied it with a pretty convincing doctors note and it was passed. However i must say i was very lucky.</p>

<p>mine was passed yea i was lucky</p>

<p>Anyone every have a retroactive drop petition rejected?
Do I really need a doctor’s note and if so, is a Psychiatrist’s note adequate?</p>