<p>I'm a junior this year and I just have a few questions about applying to college next year. I started a dual-enrollment program this year and I love my classes but I didn't do very well last quarter. I fractured my pelvis in Octoberish. It's actually more of the top of my hip, but anyway I ended up missing school a little. I fell behind on homework in Calculus and when I got back to school none of the class made sense to me anymore. I ended up with a C+ because I had been doing well before, but I took the class again this quarter with a different professor because I didn't feel confident enough for Calc 2. I also had a B+ in English that quarter, but that's not really abnormal for me because English is usually my worst subject anyway. </p>
<p>Anyway, the Calc grade from fall quarter will still show up on my transcript (C+) but it won't count in my college gpa. Thus, I think I'll have a 3.9 at the end of this quarter (I currently have a 4.0 in my classes this quarter). ** I guess I'm just wondering if I should still have my counselor include a note about it on my college apps next year. **I haven't been able to continue my normal extra curriculars because of this injury (I had previously been competing internationally in taekwondo for 11+ years...team captain, national and international champion, all that good stuff). My grades also took a minor dip. However, I don't know if it's significant enough to include. I don't want them to think I'm just making excuses or something.</p>