<p>Okay I am really <strong><em>ed right now. Not only does my roommate and all his stuff smell like crap, he is apparently also going through my things. I was putting on my shoes when I see a q-tip on his bed. First I'm thinking that is pretty disgusting if your going to use it, and then just leave it on your bed. Then I think, "Hey, when did this guy have q-tips?" I check my drawer and my q-tip box is opened up when I never touched it. Now before this I was going to my closet when I see that it is open. Now sometimes it is open, so it wasn't really shocking, but then I see some of my stuff had been shifted and moved around. I didn't think much about it, but now I'm guessing that ahole went through and took some of my food. Most likely he went through everything to see if he could use any of it. Anyways, after I checked my drawer, I go over to MY garbage can that he just uses without ever asking me before, and I see another q-tip in there. So now I'm sure he is using my stuff. I act nice to him, and he acts nice too, but obviously this fake crap is not going to work anymore. I'm extremely tired of him, and if it wasn't for my cool suitemates I would move out as soon as I could. They are seniors and moving out after this semester, so I'm definitely going to try my best to get out of this crap hole with him. He is annoying as hell to me, but I thought I could deal with him - not after this though. He crossed the line, and it shows that he has no respect for me and my stuff. Either that or he is just some low-class *</em></strong>*face who thinks it's okay to use, take, and touch anyone's things.</p>
<p>I just found out now and he isn’t here. Even if he was I don’t think I would confront him. I think making him more of my enemy while living with him isn’t the best plan for me. And not only does he do all of this stuff, he likes drinking and smoking and is thinking about bringing it in room. I signed up for chemical-free housing, but I guess it isn’t very reliable since the questionnaire asked about six questions that didn’t give really give me any choice of a roommate. I know that schools want it to be random, but it didn’t work out here.</p>
<p>It’s extremely difficult when their seems to be a bad match with a roommate. The q-tip thing is annoying but I have the feeling this silly incident is just enough to push the situation over the edge. I’d be more concerned with the drinking/smoking issue and bet this is what’s really worrying you. </p>
<p>Have you made some friends at the school? If so, start asking your friends now if any of them would like to room with you next year (in order to get assigned to a specific roommate, both parties must request the other on the housing form). Line this up now so at least you know that next semester, you won’t have to worry about your rooming situation. </p>
<p>You could address the q-tip incident by saying that you noticed that your stuff was moved around and that he should have just asked for a q-tip if he needed one. Remind him that all he had to do is ask for a q-tip and that you would prefer that he not go searching in your closets or drawers. Tell him that you deserve the same respect that you give to him.</p>
<p>You think you had roommate problems? How about I had THREE ROOMMATES LAST SEMESTER! And one was kicked outa school because apparently he had mental issues and was planning to hurt me and some other people in the dorm!</p>
<p>It’s not a problem with using a q-tip, the problem is he violated my privacy. I know a friend that attends here and I’m thinking of asking him. I just need to find him. :)</p>
<p>And why is chemical free housing a mistake?</p>
<p>Well I read some posts, and I’m getting that people do have a choice already and that people who choose to live in substance free housing are considered “odd.” I know that I have a choice about drinking and smoking, but I would rather try getting a non-smoking room. Besides there can be those weird people who want to be “cool” by picking regular housing. I do think I can be awkward sometimes at parties or whatever, but I’m not weird. (at least I hope I’m not…)</p>
<p>Ah I have to mention that this buttnose leaves his closet open SO ALL THE STENCH CAN ESCAPE EVEN MORE INTO THE ROOM! Thank you dirtbag! I can’t tell if he is doing it on purpose because he knows I don’t like his smell or he is just likes to look at his dirty shoes.</p>
<p>lool…I honestly think the Q-tip thing isn’t so bad… I mean, it’s possible that your roommate was going to replace them. As for your clothes and foods, now that’s messed up.</p>
<p>I didn’t mean exaggerating in the sense that this situation is unrealistic. I’m saying that you’re exaggerating how unbearable this is. You’re overreacting to be honest. All your venting is cool, but did you even talk to the guy yet?</p>