FA materials not received yet

<p>I applied ED and last week the status website said that i missed some documents.
So I sent them right away but my tracking status says that the documents haven't arrived yet. & same with Cornell website.</p>

<p>The result is coming out on Thursday. And basically my FA stuffs are not done.
Will this affect my chance?
Does the FA decision come later in december or do i find it out on Thursday also?
I am very worried!! Help me!</p>

<p>You should e-mail them! That’s what I did because a document was missing on my Cornell account so I e-mailed them, and a reply came in only two days, saying that all my documents were receieved and they updated the info on my status.</p>

<p>but i know for sure that i missed sth… so i sent again… but it hasn’t arrived yet…</p>

<p>Actually, the same thing happened to me… I sent in two separate sets of FA forms (I have a lot of special circumstances I had to write about), and Cornell got the first one, but not the second. I’m going to e-mail and ask, but it seems it didn’t get there, since the site hasn’t updated my status by now. But I think I’ll just wait until Thursday to print out and set a second copy, since it won’t matter if I get rejected, and I can’t go if financial aid doesn’t work out for me, so I don’t think they’d deny financial aid just because they didn’t get some forms yet. At least, I hope not. :P</p>

<p>Hopefully it’ll all work out for you, and everyone who has FA form complications.</p>