Facebook status

<p>For all of you CAL peeps out there, I'm sure you're going to share your acceptance in your facebook status. Its just too big to be modest about, I know im going to post it. Anyway my question is :</p>

<p>what are you going to post as your status??</p>

<p>Here is mine:</p>

<p>Study all day -- Study all night -- Lets get it poppin -- I'll be in Berkeley ***** -- Study all day -- Study all night -- Lets get it poppin in Berkeley *****!!</p>

<p>Nothing too crazy, perhaps something along the lines of…</p>

<p>“Holy M<em>TH</em><strong><em>NG </em></strong> BALLS! I just got in to UC M<em>TH</em>FNG BERKELEY! YEAH! SUCK IT!”</p>

<p>lol i know right? you wouldnt want it to be tooo crazy ;)</p>

<p>probably something like F**k you Berkeley thanks for the acceptance but you need to throw some more $$$ at me Go BRUINS!!!</p>

<p>lol Evan mother****ing hell yeah.</p>

<p>mine would be something like</p>

<p>“(insert real name) just pwnd Berkeley admissions”</p>

<p>I’m periodically updating my status with the minutes until 3.</p>

<p>It’ll probably just be something like ‘Success!’ or 'Failure =(" once they’re released, followed by either ‘Hadrian has joined the Berkeley network’ or ‘Hadrian has joined the Santa Cruz network.’</p>

<p>Damn UCLA sluts, get out of here!!! lol, only true bears welcome :D</p>

<p>Whats sad is, if i dont get into Cal , ill be a UCLA slut :(</p>

<p>I just want to let people know in the classiest of ways, that’s all. ;)</p>

<p>I don’t update my status regularly… But reading other’s make me happy (or sad… depending) hahaha :)</p>

<p>^ yeah me either…i only do it once in awhile…in a blue moon.
but for Berkeley i will make an exception!</p>

<p>Smile! I love that I’ll probably be a UCLA slut :)</p>

<p>we prefer to be called ucla man whores haaaaa</p>

<p>hahahah evan. don’t be so subtle, go ahead and get excited!</p>

<p>i didn’t even update my status when i got into ucla (my dream school). but today i uploaded a picture of the decal :)</p>

<p>YES!!! Haas admissions people were drunk when reading my application cuz i got ACCEPTED!!! :D</p>

<p>Oh yeah! <em>clears throat, in a manly way</em> UCLA Man Whores! </p>

<p>WE. ARE. BRUINS. HUH!!! (That “HUH!” was really macho…really really macho.)</p>

<p>lol Yeah ill be a ucla manwhore if i dont get into Cal, Im happy either way, I got my first or second choice. Both are awesome schools :D!!!</p>

<p>I rather be a Cal Manwhore than a UCLA Manwhore :P</p>

<p>because we are MACHO MACHO MENNNN</p>

<p>i totally forgot the title of this thread for a second and was about to ask lomkh when he/she found out :(.</p>

<p>UCLA Manwhore sounds more manly than Cal Manwhore :P</p>

<p>I agree-gree.</p>